During an SRP ID and SRP Authentication Key change the BlackBerry Enterprise Server must successfully send a switch service command to all devices, resend IT Policy to all devices, and resend all Desktop Service Books to all devices.
This process can take up to 4 hours to complete and the BlackBerry Enterprise Server should not be restarted for at least 4 hours after the SRP ID and SRP Authentication key have been changed.
Important: Please read the Additional Information section prior to completing the following steps.
To change the SRP ID and the SRP Authentication Key using the BlackBerry Administration Service, complete the following steps:
- Open the BlackBerry Administration Service.
- In the Server and Components menu, expand BlackBerry Solution Topology > BlackBerry Domain > Component View > BlackBerry Enterprise Server.
- Click on the name of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server.
- Click Edit Instance.
- In the SRP Information section, remove the old SRP ID and the SRP Authentication Key and type the new SRP ID and SRP Authentication Key in.
- Click Save All.
Important Notes:
- Users may experience messaging delays for up to 4 hours after the SRP has been changed successfully.
- The BlackBerry Enterprise Server services must be running during the process and should not be restarted for at least 4 hours afterward to allow the process enough time to complete
- Do not change the SRP ID and Authentication key again until after the 4 hours has passed to allow the process to complete
- If the SRP is changed more than once and the process has not been completed, some devices may continue to work but the devices that are not working will have to be wiped and reactivated
- A temporary SRP ID (i.e. Txxxxxxx) should never be used in a production environment. Temporary SRP ID's should only be used in a testing environment.
If the current Server Routing Protocol Identifier (SRP ID) and SRP Authentication key for the BlackBerry Enterprise Server are invalid, the BlackBerry Enterprise Server services are unable to communicate with the BlackBerry Infrastructure and cannot start. The SRP ID and SRP authentication key must be changed.
Common reasons for an SRP ID and SRP Authentication Key change are listed below:
- SRP ID has expired (temporary SRP IDs are generally indicated by the SRP ID beginning with a T, i.e. Txxxxxxx)
- SRP ID or authentication key is inaccurate (often caused by a leading or trailing " " having been entered)
- The SRP ID is currently in use by another BlackBerry Enterprise Server and has become disabled
Important information regarding versions of BlackBerry Device Software
- BlackBerry smartphones running BlackBerry Device Software 4.0 to 6.0 automatically receive service book updates wirelessly
- BlackBerry smartphones running versions earlier than BlackBerry Device Software 4.0 must be connected to the computer and receive updated service book information through the BlackBerry® Desktop Manager