What steps are necessary to copy a Certified Public Key from a Lotus Notes ID file? In early releases of Notes, this was simply done by selecting Tools -> User ID -> Copy Public Key.

To copy a Certified Public Key from a Notes ID file using the Notes 6.5.x client, perform the following steps from the Domino Administration client:
  1. From the Domino Administrator, click the Configuration tab.

  2. From the Tools pane, click Certification -> ID properties.

  3. Select and open the ID file to be examined, then enter the password (Person ID -> Server ID or Certificate ID).

  4. From the ID Properties window, select Your Identity, then select Your Certificates.

  5. Select the Other Actions button and select Mail / Copy Certificates (Public Key)

  6. Click the Copy Certificate button. If this is a remote user they can select Mail Certificate. This will copy the entire public key to the clipboard.

  7. Paste the public key into the associated Person document in the People view of the administration client.

Have the end user select the following options to mail the administrator a copy of their public key:

File -> Security -> User Security -> Your identity -> Your Certificates -> Other Actions -> Mail, copy certificate (public key)... -> Mail Certificate -> fill out "To" -> Send.


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