The top reasons to upgrade to Notes & Domino R8.5
Lotus Notes
- Drag/Drop of Text within rich text editor
- Offline support for Activities
- Choose from multiple addresses for a person in typeahead
- Ability to make your own views look like the PIM views
- Forward contact as vCard (along with better import/export)
- iNotes improvements (e.g. calendar support in Lite mode)
- Roaming user available with new file-based option
- Support of ID Vault and Single Logon
- Mac OS 10.5 (Leopard) and Ubuntu Linux support
- Calendar federation
Lotus Domino Server
- Expanded platform choices
- Increased reliability
- Dynamic group policies
- Improved router scalability
- I/O use reduction
- Domino Configuration Tuner (DCT)
- Domino Designer for Eclipse (DDE)
- XPages
- ID Vault
- Domino Attachment and Object Service (DAOS)
Some general reasons to upgrade to Domino 8.5: You can benefit by upgrading to Domino 8.5 even if the clients are on 8.0.x or earlier. Some of the benefits available:
- Disk savings of 40% - 60%
- Server consolidation
- Application development modernization
- Improved quality of service