In order to clear deletion stubs, you first of all need to find out how many there are. To do this, follow this process:
  1. Open the Domino Administrator Client
  2. In the Server - Server Console window, issue the command:
show database <path\>databasename.nsf

Make a note of the number of deletion stubs (located very near the top).

Note: Sizes of built views will also be displayed


Set the Purge Interval

Now make the changes that will purge the deletion stubs:

  1. In the Database Properties, select the Replication Settings - Space Savers tab.
  2. In the top section called Remove documents not modified in the last (days) there is a check box that is blank


  1. Document the number in the box in this same line of the dialog window.
  2. Change the number to zero (0). This value is now changed but it has not take affect on the application.
  3. Exit the database properties, and ensure that no other database views or documents are open in the client.
  4. Click on a different database icon, and then click back on the database.
  5. Do this several times. These actions should force the new zero-days purge interval to evaluate and deletion stubs will be removed.
  6. In the Domino Administration Client, issue the show database command again.
show database <path\>databasename.nsf

TIP: If you have not closed the Admin Client in the meantime, this command will still be in your list of recent commands.

  1. Make a note of the output. The Deletions stubs value should be 0.



Restore the Purge Interval

  1. In the Database Properties, select the Replication Settings - Space Savers tab.
  2. In the top section called Remove documents not modified in the last (days) there is a check box that is blank


  1. Edit the Space Saver tab of the Replication settings and change teh days value back to the amoutn that you made a note of in the beginning.
Note: Any documents that were previously deleted in this replica, but still exist in other replicas of the file, will re-appear in this database the next time that replication occurs.
Other information about NOTE

If you do check the box, any document that has not been modified in the last whatever number of days listed WILL BE DELETED - this is not what you want to happen. The number on this selection has a two-fold purpose. When it is checked, it deletes documents that have not been modified in that number of days. OTHERWISE, the number is used to calculate the purge interval, which is what the server uses to purge deletion stubs. How that interval works is this:
You take 1/3 of the number set on this value (we'll use 90 since that is the default), so 30 days, and add it back to the number - so 120 days. So the purge interval is between 90 and 120 days. So when the purge process runs, any deletion stubs that exist that are between 90 and 120 days old will be purged.


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