Here is a LotusScript to rebuild your inbox if messages are in your All Documents and not in any other folder:


Sub Initialize
   Dim s As New notessession
    Dim db As notesdatabase
    Dim fDoc As NotesDocument           ' Document in folder
    Dim ad As notesview                     ' All Documents view
    Dim aDoc As notesdocument          ' document in All Docs view
    Dim fUNID() As String                    ' array of UNID's of docs in folders
    Dim i As Integer                           ' UNID array index
    Dim deldate As notesitem
    Dim Chair1 As notesitem

    i =0
    Set db = s.CurrentDatabase

    Redim fUNID(0)

' Build UNID array by looping through folders, then their documents
    Forall view In db.views
        If view.IsFolder And Not view.Name=("($All)") Then
            Set fDoc = view.GetFirstDocument
            While Not fDoc Is Nothing
                Redim Preserve fUNID(i)
                fUNID(i) = fDoc.UniversalID
                Set fDoc = view.GetNextDocument(fDoc)
        End If
    End Forall

' Loop through docs in the All Documents view and compare UNIDs to each doc in the array

    Set ad = db.GetView("($All)")
    Set aDoc = ad.GetFirstDocument
    While Not aDoc Is Nothing
        i = 0
        Do While i <= Ubound(fUNID)
            If fUNID(i) = aDoc.UniversalID Then
                Exit Do
            End If
            i = i + 1
        Set deldate = adoc.getfirstitem("delivereddate")
        Set Chair1 = adoc.getfirstitem("CHAIR")
        If i > Ubound(fUNID) And Not deldate Is Nothing And Chair1 Is Nothing Then
            Call adoc.PutInFolder( "($Inbox)")
        End If
        Set aDoc = ad.GetNextDocument(adoc)

End Sub 


This script should be created as an Agent that run from the Action menu in your Lotus Notes Mail File.


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