On the 25th February 2009, Research in Motion released the BES for Domino 4.1 SP 6 Maintenance Release #4.
Prior to installing this (or any Maintenance Release), you should backup your BES Management Database (see Backup the BESMgmt database script).
To download this maintenance release, please visit: http://na.blackberry.com/eng/support/downloads/#tab_ddetail_subtab_software
To install the maintenance release
- While logged in to the computer that hosts the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, stop all IBM Lotus Domino services.
- Close BlackBerry Manager and the BlackBerry Configuration Panel.
- In the Windows Services, stop all BlackBerry Enterprise Server services.
- Double-click besn416mr4.zip.
- Extract the setup program files to a local drive on your computer.
- Browse to the location of the setup program files.
- Double-click besn416mr3.msp to run the executable.
- Click Update.
- Complete the configuration screens.
- Click Finish.
- In the Windows Services, restart all BlackBerry Enterprise Server services.